Thursday, August 19, 2010

17th August Tuesday 2010

17th August Tuesday, 2010
Sa Bula Vi Naka everyone. Today’s the 13th August Tuesday 2010. The weather is pretty is really cold I can’t even feel my own fingers today was like the same we were doing maths, reading, and writing today I don’t know why but I thought that the reading was pretty boring today I read a book called Galilei Gailieo the first person to discover modern sciences the book was really good I learnt what heresy means it’s a law thing if you broke a law in Italy that means heresy and that Galileo was the first person to make the teliscope that can see in the space the everything in it. after we did writing the school was over the time went really fast when the bell rang I stood under the tree waiting for my father to pick me up for I waited for 10 minutes and my father arrived our house is in the city so that why it takes my father a long time to get to my school. When I went home had a bath done my cores and everything my family and I watched a movie and went to sleep.

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